BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Career Center - ECPv6.0.10//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Career Center X-ORIGINAL-URL:/careers X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Career Center REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Denver BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0600 TZNAME:MDT DTSTART:20240310T090000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0600 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:MST DTSTART:20241103T080000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240908T170000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240908T190000 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240726T154204Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240815T140233Z SUMMARY:Veteran Alliance Heroes Dinner DESCRIPTION:We invite you to join us at the Heroes Dinner\, an event dedicated to our veterans on campus with networking opportunities like no other. As we celebrate our local heroes – the veterans and organizations that have made a positive impact in our community – we are gathering a diverse group of dynamic individuals who share the same passion for supporting our veterans. The gathering promises to be an evening of gratitude\, camaraderie\, and giving back to our community. \nWhat is the Heroes Dinner? \nThe Heroes Dinner is a fundraising and networking occasion organized by the Mines Veterans Alliance (MVA) in association with Fall Career Days. The event consists of a social dinner for student veterans\, MVA members (new and old)\, industry partners\, and will also feature our distinguished guest speaker\, Jaymie Brain\, Director of the Colorado National Security Agency (NSA). \nWhy should you attend? \n\nNetworking Opportunities: The Heroes Dinner offers a unique platform to connect with student veterans\, other industry professionals\, and potential partners. The event is intended to help student veterans meet with potential employers and make industry connections.\nGiving Back: By attending the Heroes Dinner\, you will not only be part of a memorable event but may also choose to contribute to MVA and/or our fundraising efforts. The funds raised will support various programs and initiatives benefiting student veterans on campus.\n\nRegistration: \nTo register for this event\, please visit the Registration Link. On the registration site\, you will find additional information about the MVA’s ongoing programs and the impact they have on our students’ lives. Do not miss this chance to be part of a meaningful cause! \nUnable to Attend? Consider Donating: \nIf you are unable to join us for the Heroes Dinner\, we kindly request that you consider making a donation to support our initiatives. Your contribution\, big or small\, will make a difference in the lives of our student veterans. \nYour generosity will be deeply appreciated\, and it will help us continue providing essential support and resources to those who have selflessly served our country. \nQuestions? \nIf you have any questions\, please feel free to contact me or direct your question to Kyle Tons\, Assistant Director for Corporate & Foundation Relations at the ¿ì²¥µçÓ°Íø Foundation. \nThank you for considering our invitation\, and we hope to see you at the Heroes Dinner. \n  \nBest Regards\, \nWilson Garland\n¿ì²¥µçÓ°Íø \nBS Geology & Geological Engineering |May 2026 \nMines Veterans Alliance President URL:/careers/event/veteran-alliance-heroes-dinner/ LOCATION:Green Center – Friedhoff Hall 1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240908T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240908T210000 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240726T154652Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240726T154652Z SUMMARY:American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Fall Rotational Dinner DESCRIPTION:The AIChE Rotational Dinner is an event held bi-annually and usually during the weekend before Career Fair.  The event sees representatives from many companies interested in hiring Mines Chemical Engineering graduates networking with students.  The event is generally held at Table Mountain Inn and involves a dinner.  The main event allows students to rotate around different tables to connect with different companies they may be interested in working for in the future.\n\n\nIf your company is interested in attending the rotational dinner and/or networking with our students\, please reach out to URL:/careers/event/american-institute-of-chemical-engineers-aiche-fall-rotational-dinner/ LOCATION:Table Mountain Inn END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240909T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240909T110000 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240829T184902Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240829T184902Z SUMMARY:Employer Tours DESCRIPTION:The Mines Foundation will provide Employer Tours during the week of Fall 2024 Career Days in order to showcase the Mines@150 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem and provide additional on-campus engagement opportunities for visiting Career Days companies. \nThere will be five tour opportunities taking place between Monday\, September 9 and Wednesday\, September 11\, starting at Maple Plaza and shuttling employers in a loop past the McNeil Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation\, providing a building tour of the Labriola Innovation Hub\, a building tour of Beck Venture Center\, and ending with a brief presentation to wrap up the experience. The new dorm construction will also be discussed during the tour\, and attendees can opt to stay and participate in a tour of the new Electrical Engineering Lab in Brown Hall. \nInterested employers can sign up for one of the time slots at \, and can attend any day they prefer regardless of date of Career Days attendance. \nPlease reach out to Kyle Tons ( with any questions. URL:/careers/event/employer-tours/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240909T173000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240909T193000 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240726T153804Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240903T194455Z SUMMARY:Society of Women Engineers - Evening with Industry DESCRIPTION:It is my pleasure to invite you to the ¿ì²¥µçÓ°Íø Society of Women Engineer’s (SWE) 32nd annual Evening with Industry\, which will take place on Monday\, September 9\, 2024\, from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. This event precedes the fall Career Fairs taking place later in the week: Tuesday\, September 10\, 2024\, and Wednesday\, September 11\, 2024. The Evening with Industry will be held in Friedhoff\, Green Center on the ¿ì²¥µçÓ°Íø campus. The deadline to register for the event is Monday\, September 2\, 2024. \nInteractions between students and industry professionals in attendance are crucial for developing meaningful connections in the STEM field. Such connections will help students discover potential career paths while simultaneously demonstrating how their studies can be applied to the everyday workforce. As in year’s past\, SWE invites our members and employers to participate in a networking hour\, dinner\, and keynote speaker alongside each other to forge these connections. More information can be found in the attached flyer or on our event website. \nDonations and sponsorships are also crucial for our organization. Your support allows SWE to provide students with scholarships\, internship opportunities\, as well as professional development support – all of which are crucial in helping students find success both in school and life beyond the classroom. \n\n\n\nDATE:\nMonday\, September 9th\n\n\nCOST:\n$125.00 per Representative\, \nRegister by Monday\, September 2nd\n\n\nLOCATION:\nFriedhoff Hall\, Green Center\n\n\nTIME:\nEvening with Industry from 5:30 – 7:30 pm\n\n\nRSVP:\nPlease register using the following link:\n\n\nDONATE:\nHelp support Mines SWE for the 2023-2024 academic year. You can add a donation amount to your basket upon check-out.\n\n\n\n  \nWe look forward to seeing you at this year’s Evening with Industry! Thank you in advance for contributing to the success of our SWE section and supporting the students at the ¿ì²¥µçÓ°Íø. \nIf you have any questions or concerns\, please email SWE Networking Director\, Raistlynn Baros\, at \nBest Regards\, \nRaistlynn Baros​ URL:/careers/event/society-of-women-engineers-evening-with-industry/ LOCATION:Green Center – Friedhoff Hall 1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240909T190000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240909T210000 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240726T155107Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240815T135924Z SUMMARY:Athletics Student-Athlete Career Fair Reception DESCRIPTION:Were you a former Mines athlete? Please join us on Monday\, September 9 from 7pm-9pm at the Golden Mill for a networking reception with current and former Mines student-athletes. \nContact Dixie Cirillo\, Associate Director of Athletics\, at for any questions and to RSVP. URL:/careers/event/athletics-student-athlete-career-fair-reception/ LOCATION:Golden Mill\, 1012 Ford St\, Golden\, CO\, 80401 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240910T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240910T120000 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240829T185007Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240829T185007Z SUMMARY:Employer Tours DESCRIPTION:The Mines Foundation will provide Employer Tours during the week of Fall 2024 Career Days in order to showcase the Mines@150 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem and provide additional on-campus engagement opportunities for visiting Career Days companies. \nThere will be five tour opportunities taking place between Monday\, September 9 and Wednesday\, September 11\, starting at Maple Plaza and shuttling employers in a loop past the McNeil Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation\, providing a building tour of the Labriola Innovation Hub\, a building tour of Beck Venture Center\, and ending with a brief presentation to wrap up the experience. The new dorm construction will also be discussed during the tour\, and attendees can opt to stay and participate in a tour of the new Electrical Engineering Lab in Brown Hall. \nInterested employers can sign up for one of the time slots at \, and can attend any day they prefer regardless of date of Career Days attendance. \nPlease reach out to Kyle Tons ( with any questions. URL:/careers/event/employer-tours-2/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240910T151500 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240910T161500 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240829T185132Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240829T185132Z SUMMARY:Employer Tours DESCRIPTION:The Mines Foundation will provide Employer Tours during the week of Fall 2024 Career Days in order to showcase the Mines@150 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem and provide additional on-campus engagement opportunities for visiting Career Days companies. \nThere will be five tour opportunities taking place between Monday\, September 9 and Wednesday\, September 11\, starting at Maple Plaza and shuttling employers in a loop past the McNeil Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation\, providing a building tour of the Labriola Innovation Hub\, a building tour of Beck Venture Center\, and ending with a brief presentation to wrap up the experience. The new dorm construction will also be discussed during the tour\, and attendees can opt to stay and participate in a tour of the new Electrical Engineering Lab in Brown Hall. \nInterested employers can sign up for one of the time slots at \, and can attend any day they prefer regardless of date of Career Days attendance. \nPlease reach out to Kyle Tons ( with any questions. URL:/careers/event/employer-tours-3/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240910T153000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240910T173000 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240726T155603Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240726T155603Z SUMMARY:Alumni Happy Hour DESCRIPTION:Join us for an Alumni Happy Hour! – Fall 2024 Career Days – Alumni Happy Hour single flyer \nAll Mines alumni are invited to Mountain Toad Brewery to mingle and relax after a busy Career Day. The first round is on us! \nTues. September 10\, 2024 – 3:30-5:30pm \n  URL:/careers/event/alumni-happy-hour/ LOCATION:Mountain Toad Brewery\, 900 Washington Ave.\, Golden\, CO\, 80401\, United States END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240910T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240910T203000 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240823T033246Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240823T033246Z SUMMARY:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) Evening with Executives DESCRIPTION:An official invitation to Evening with Executives\, presented by the ¿ì²¥µçÓ°Íø IEEE Student Chapter. \nTuesday\, September 10th 6-8:30pm in CoorsTek\, 1523 Illiniois St. Golden 80401. \nUse the QR code on the document below or go to to RSVP. We hope to see you there! \nFall 2024 IEEE Evening with Executives Flyer & Sponsorship Tiers URL:/careers/event/institute-of-electrical-and-electronics-engineering-ieee-evening-with-executives/ LOCATION:CoorsTek END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240911T110000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240911T120000 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240829T185401Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240829T185401Z SUMMARY:Employer Tours DESCRIPTION:The Mines Foundation will provide Employer Tours during the week of Fall 2024 Career Days in order to showcase the Mines@150 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem and provide additional on-campus engagement opportunities for visiting Career Days companies. \nThere will be five tour opportunities taking place between Monday\, September 9 and Wednesday\, September 11\, starting at Maple Plaza and shuttling employers in a loop past the McNeil Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation\, providing a building tour of the Labriola Innovation Hub\, a building tour of Beck Venture Center\, and ending with a brief presentation to wrap up the experience. The new dorm construction will also be discussed during the tour\, and attendees can opt to stay and participate in a tour of the new Electrical Engineering Lab in Brown Hall. \nInterested employers can sign up for one of the time slots at \, and can attend any day they prefer regardless of date of Career Days attendance. \nPlease reach out to Kyle Tons ( with any questions. URL:/careers/event/employer-tours-4/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240911T151500 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240911T161500 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240829T185537Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240829T185537Z SUMMARY:Employer Tours DESCRIPTION:The Mines Foundation will provide Employer Tours during the week of Fall 2024 Career Days in order to showcase the Mines@150 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem and provide additional on-campus engagement opportunities for visiting Career Days companies. \nThere will be five tour opportunities taking place between Monday\, September 9 and Wednesday\, September 11\, starting at Maple Plaza and shuttling employers in a loop past the McNeil Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation\, providing a building tour of the Labriola Innovation Hub\, a building tour of Beck Venture Center\, and ending with a brief presentation to wrap up the experience. The new dorm construction will also be discussed during the tour\, and attendees can opt to stay and participate in a tour of the new Electrical Engineering Lab in Brown Hall. \nInterested employers can sign up for one of the time slots at \, and can attend any day they prefer regardless of date of Career Days attendance. \nPlease reach out to Kyle Tons ( with any questions. URL:/careers/event/employer-tours-5/ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20240911T160000 DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20240911T180000 DTSTAMP:20240907T195944 CREATED:20240829T184010Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240829T184010Z SUMMARY:American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Building the Connections Event DESCRIPTION:Thank you for your interest in our Building the Connections Event on Wednesday September 11th! This event is a chance to connect with involved students in civil engineering and related disciplines in a smaller\, more intimate setting than Career Days. The size and timing of our event allows for more one-on-one time with students who are interested in your company. \nThis event will be from 4-6pm approximately in Coolbaugh Atrium (first floor). We will have free food and opportunities to network with students! There is also another ASCE event immediately afterwards primarily for students. \nWhile there is no cost of attendance\, sponsorship is greatly appreciated. Sponsorships and donations will go towards our concrete canoe\, steel bridge\, and timber strong teams as well as allow us to send students to Regionals. We would be grateful for whatever amount you wish to donate!! \nPlease email the contacts below for sponsorship information\, and complete this form if you are interested in attending this event:  \nThere is parking on campus. To get free parking for the duration of the Building the Connections event\, you can use our parking code B3987U. This parking code is only to be used for our Building the Connections Event. See the parking map and Mines Parking Services for more information on where to park on campus: /parking/wp-content/uploads/sites/91/2024/07/24-25-Parking-Map.pdf \nHere’s our contact information if you have more questions:\nConnections Officer Clara Henckler-Davis:\nPresident Sarah Gifford:\nFaculty Advisor Jeffrey Holley: \nWe’re excited to have you here and we can’t wait to see you there! URL:/careers/event/american-society-of-civil-engineers-asce-building-the-connections-event/ LOCATION:Coolbaugh Atrium END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR